Monday, August 5, 2013


We came home to some serious "gardenage". The rain has been kind to us this year and we have been truly blessed with lots of delicious Silver Queen corn. The tallest Mammoth Sunflower is already up to 10 feet tall. We are not sure what the pig did when he was in the garden over the Fall but whatever he did it tastes delicious. That pig sure keeps giving to us. In all seriousness we have to thank our Father in Heaven for such a bounteous crop this year. The vine in front of the pallet fence is snake gourd. When we bought our seeds and plants this year Jocie snuck it into the cart without us knowing because she thought it would be fun to grow. We humored her and still bought the seeds and it sure is taking off. Just search for snake gourd and you will see real quick why its called that. The "snakes" are just now beginning to grow.

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